One Woman

One Woman

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Plant Fetish

A hypnotic dreamscape draws you into the world of a woman who grew up with severe depression and BPD (borderline personality disorder).

She tries to find the answer to who she was, how she came to be that person, who she might have been, and who she is now.

Venture to the heart of difficult memories, through allusions that ultimately transcend the past and point the way to a different future.

It’s a future where the memories lose their grip, and with that loss, the power of the abuser fades.

Binaural sound wraps each audience member in an individual, protective cocoon. It allows the audience to interact with the material on their own terms.

One Woman was commissioned by Made at HOME and won an Unlimited Wellcome Collection Partnership Award.

Produced by Jayne Compton, filmed and edited by Juliet Ellis, sound by Guillaume Dujat, visuals by Sean Clarke, choreography by Jane Mason, script supervision by Sonia Hughes